by Humanoido
The best kite I ever saw was at the park in mainland China. I worked during the week and on weekends I went to the park to see and study the masters as they flew their kites.
These Chinese people are very serious about kite flying and on a good weekend, I could count between 100 and 200 people flying their personalized kites.
I rounded the corner and almost ran into a very elderly man, who I later learned was over 100 years old. I looked at his hands which steadily held a metal fabricated kite reel.
He 'ran' over to the bush, propped up his hand crafted kite, and ran back unreeling hundreds of feet of string on the sidewalk. Then the kite immediately launched upward - right through the park trees without mishap, high into the sky.
I must say this is the best kite I ever saw because of the elderly man whom I admired so much! I pray that all of us can exceed age 100 and fly our kites with such great enthusiasm, skill and physical conditioning.
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