What the hey?! It's simple—this is a large, complex site, and by far the best and easiest way to find exactly what you are after is:
The Search function! :-) It works well, and I even found myself using it sometimes.
Although the content here is well structured, some topics are not so common and hence harder to find. But Search will get you straight there, no problem. If it exists on site, it will come up in the list of page links returned.
The Search box is near the top on nearly all pages of this site—including this one.
Now, if you really would like to use the old sitemap (below), feel free. As of December 2017, the sitemap links themselves have not been updated. However, after that date, pages were added much more slowly than in earlier years. So there's plenty to be found below.
This site map lists links for most visible pages that have been posted, under broad categories. The broad categories are in CAPITALS (like that), and subcategories are just in bold type (like that).
Note that the last broad category is called VISITOR-CONTRIBUTED. From there down, all the pages listed have been submitted by visitors to this site. I'm grateful to them all, and there's some good stuff in there if you look for it.
There are over one thousand pages on this site, although not all of them are listed below. Thank goodness for scroll bars!
Some of the very earliest pages make us cringe now; we hope you don't find them. ;-)
Wind-Speed Handy Reference
Light Air
1-5 kph
1-3 mph
1-3 knts
Beaufort 1
Light breeze
6–11 kph
4–7 mph
4–6 knts
Beaufort 2
Gentle ...
12–19 kph
8–12 mph
7–10 knts
Beaufort 3
Moderate ...
20–28 kph
13–18 mph
11–16 knts
Beaufort 4
Fresh ...
29–38 kph
19–24 mph
17–21 knts
Beaufort 5
Strong ...
39–49 kph
25–31 mph
22–27 knts
Beaufort 6
High Wind
50-61 kph
32-38 mph
28-33 knts
Beaufort 7
62-74 kph
39-46 mph
34-40 knts
Beaufort 8
I hope you found something of interest!