Second stab at making the Simple Delta

by Ryan Schroeder
(St. Paul, MN, USA)

First kite flying under tow of my sister Anne

First kite flying under tow of my sister Anne

Yo! Thanks for your designs, tips, and this site in general. Good to see someone having honest, simple fun, made me want to try it too.

Our parents always owned an old rainbow-colored delta, so I thought I'd go with one of those for starters. The first one worked great; it required two energetic sisters to haul it up, but eventually we got pretty good. We could pull it high enough to catch the stronger wind and stay up safe and steady for a good long while, until we would wind it down. I just had some twine from the hardware as string - I think it was a bit heavy.

Lost that one eventually in a tree, and gave it a rest for a month. Just today went out and built another just like it - saw the spars of the original still up in the tree as I walked to the park, good reminder to be careful :-)

Rigged-up a small cardboard platform hanging under to carry a GoPro camera: worked fine! youtube watch?v=grrfQm8Q24M. But not much wind today, so both with and without the camera, I could only keep the kite up for 2-3 minutes running in circles before I ran out of breath / open field.

Gotta try another day, practice more. Oh! Got some real kite string now - I think that helped.

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As mentioned earlier, there's more kite making on this site than you can poke a stick at. :-)

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