Paper Sleds

by Tony Sangster
(Adelaide, SA, Australia)

Tim - Your reminisces of making sled kites out of A4 paper prompt two memories or ideas...

Firstly some sleds have a triangular section cut out of the main part of the sled - a vent to ease wind pressure but how do you cut out the triangular section without creasing the paper?

A cutting knife might work, however what I do is take the bobbin out of the sewing machine and remove the top thread then sew a perforated line over a pencil outline of the triangle. The paper comes away easily. Warning: tell your mother or wife before you attempt to use their sewing machine!

The other thing is using a brown paper lunch bag as the paper part of the sled kite...

Cut the fins from one side of the paper bag starting in the centre where the fins meet and leaving the connection with the sides of the bag intact. Cut the bottom of the bag off, attach bridle and a crepe loop tail.


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