One Handed Kite Flying

by Donald Hawecker

Hi, my name is Donald Hawecker. About 13 years ago (Sep 4 2000) I was coming home from the park, just finished flying. Turned out the park got hit from behind by a truck doing 65.

Well, after I woke up and found out that I didn't have a left arm and a left leg below the knee, I thought my fun of flying was over. My kites were in the rafters and I didn't even think about flying. Or even going back to the same park. I got to thinking I want to try again.

Well I been flying every day for 4 months now at Deaza Narrow Park in Riverside CA on Jupera Ave. I fly my stunt kite with one hand, and I am very good at it. I feel the high of flying again. Come to riverside and say hi. I fly every day the wind blows. And in the Santa Ana river bottom it blows good. Look for me you can't miss me.

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