Easy. Cheap. and Fun as Fudge

by Anika
(Miami, FL, USA)

I am 15 and had to make a kite for my math class (following it's geometric meaning and characteristics and all that), and I made this kite in 1-2 hours. Other versions seemed to be so complicated like the one my dad kept telling me to make. Thankfully I ignored that and became independent by following these instructions. I mean, after all, who's the kite expert here xD.

The materials needed are so cheap in a good way, it doesn't affect the quality of the experience AT ALL. The idea of using a garbage bag to make this can be expanded by turning this whole thing into a recycling project! Love it :-) !

I didn't use a garbage bag because my dad insisted on using this decorative party table cover. The tail wasn't more than 5 times of the size of the kite but the kite flew fine, and I used fishing line! Everything I did was exactly how the instructions told me.

This was the first kite I've ever made and the moment it flew without me trying much, it just felt quite awesome.

A few pointers is that DON'T cut off the excess tape that you put at the corners because it will get up easily. Besides the adding extra tape to the top, you could also add some on the side corners.

Be careful if using fishing line. Just as it is when fishing with it, it gets quite tangled up. When it gets really high, fishing line is hard to pull back in. But it is a fantastic alternative. Another thing is, absolutely do not use yarn. Just like cotton balls, it can be pulled off and get loose.

If using fishing line for the kite, and in any step you need to tie the fishing line together, use some tape because fishing line doesn't tie very well and can get loose.

Over all, I will absolutely come back to this website to make more kites in the future!

Return to MBK Kite Making.


As mentioned earlier, there's more kite making on this site than you can poke a stick at. :-)

Want to know the most convenient way of using it all?

The Big MBK E-book Bundle is a collection of downloads—printable PDF files that provide step-by-step instructions for many kites large and small.

That's every kite in every MBK series.