After One Delta Departs, One Rok Takes Wing!

by Simon
(SW France )

I was very proud of my 1-Skewer Delta kite. It had its maiden flight in Ruskin Park in South London, but the fun was cut short as I managed to stab my leg with a pair of scissors. I was helped by the tape in my kite bag; this managed to staunch the flow before the local bull terriers got too interested.

I stowed the Delta in my hand luggage on my return to France and it was performing well in the light variable winds of late August. Then, calamity, I should have noticed that the wind was rising and on my return from the fridge with a cooling beverage, the Delta was nowhere to be seen. There was just a forlorn length of button thread with a clean break. I have now upgraded the strength of my flying line.

However, the next step was the 1-Skewer Rok. This one is still flying despite my ham fisted construction. Looks great as it shoots up in a gust of wind, trailing an extra long tail.

Happy Flying.

Return to Strictly Kite-Loss.


As mentioned earlier, there's more kite making on this site than you can poke a stick at. :-)

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